Episode 6: Rise Up & Raise Your Frequency

Episode Summary:
Join me today as I share my thoughts on the bigger message behind the Pandemic and learn how to break free from fear, doubt, worry and lack.
Episode Excerpt:
MOST people, maybe even you, have succumb to fear, doubt, lack and worry.
MOST people have taken a side on all the hot topics, as opposed to playing bigger than the low-vibrating government and media.
As a society, we’ve allowed low-vibrating entities into our minds. To the point that thoughts are consumed with imagined, horrific scenarios that just play over and over and over again.
People are regularly REHEARSING fear-based events to the point that they are in danger of actually bringing it to them, because you imprint a vision in your mind enough, it will eventually come to you.
And we are going to talk about using that law to your advantage in a few minutes, but if you’ve fallen prey to the habit or the addiction to fear, doubt, lack and worry, then let’s open your awareness to a place of what ELSE is possible?
Let’s get you to a place of accepting and loving others so much that you let THEM choose for themselves what to do with
- THEIR lives,
- THEIR earthly bodies.
Let’s get you to such a place of awareness that you stop listening to media,
- That you stop hanging around low-vibrating individuals,
Let’s get you to a place where you only allow in what you want to experience.
And how do you do that?
Lean how in this week's episode. Start listening by clicking here >>.